Jainism: History | Noble Truths | Literature | Councils | Sects

Jainism is one of the crucial part of the History which is also known as Jain Dharma. The word "Jainism" is derived from a sanskrit word called "Jina".The Followers of Jainism are known as "Jains".


  • Founder of Jainism was Rishabnath.
  • Rishabnath was the 1st Tirathankar.
  • His Emblem = Bull
  • Tirathankar were known as Gurus.There were total 24 Tirathankars.
  • 23rd Tiranthankar was Parshabnath. His Emblem was Snake.
  • 24th Tiranthankar was Mahavir Jain also known as Vardhmaan.His Emblem was Lion.
  • 19th Tiranthankar was Millinatha (Female). Her Emblem was Kumbh.

Life of Mahavir Jain
  • Childhood name was Vardhamna.
  • Birth at Kundagram Musffarpur, Bihar in 540 BC.
  • Father was Siddartha who belongs to Jnatrika Clan.
  • Her Mother was Trishla, who was the Sister of Lishavi Prince, "Chitak".
  • Mahavir Jain was married to Yoshadha and their daughter was Priyadarshana.
  • At the age of 30 years he became ascetic and left his home after the death of his parents,taking permission from his brother Nandhivardhan.
  • At the age of 42 years, he got the supreme knowledge also referred as Kaivalya, under the Sal Tree on the bank of river "Rijupalika",outside the town of Jhrimbik, on 10th Vaishakh.
  •  At the age of 72 years, he died at Pavapuri near Patna & event called as "Nirvana".
Five Noble Truths
  • Satya: Truth
  • Asteya: Do not Steal
  • Ahimsa: Non-Violence
  • Aparigriha: Do not acquire property
  • Brahmacharya: Observe Celibacy
Note:- Satya, Asteya, Ahimsa & Aparigriha were given by Parasharnatha. Brahmacharya was given by Mahavir Jain.

Three Jewels
  • Samyak Gyan:- Right Knowledge
  • Samyak Acharan:- Right Action
  • Samyak Darshan:- Right Faith
Jain Councils
  • 1st Council:-
    • Held in 3rd Century BC
    • Held at Patliputra (Bihar).
    • Leader = Sthulbadra
  • 2nd Council:-
    • Held in 5th Century AD
    • Held at Vallabhi (Gujarat)
    • Leader = Devi-riddhi Gami
More Important Points
  • After the death of Mahavira, Jainism was Divided into two sects:-
    • Digambara:- They were known as "Sky Clad". They say women are not eligible to attain Moksha(because of nudity).
    • Shwetambra:- They were known as "White clad".

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