Gupta Dynasty:- Important Rulers | Art | Architecture | Literature

The Gupta's Dynasty(319 AD- 540 AD)

In the Gupta Dynasty, we will discuss about the Important Rulers of Gupta Dynasty, Art of Gupta Dynasty, Architecture of Gupta Dynasty & Literature of Gupta Dynasty.

Important Rulers:-
  • Founder of Gupta dynasty was Sri Gupta.
  • Sri Gupta belongs to the Vaishya Clan.
  • After Kushanas comes the Gupta's Dynasty.
  • Sri Guptas's son was Ghatotakacha and both has the title of MAHARAJA.
  • ChandraGupta 1,
    • also known as the  Greater Guptas was the son of Ghatotakacha.
    • ChandraGupta 1, occupied whole of the Gangetic Valley.
    • Also, ruled over Magadha,Saket & Prayag.
    • Started Guptas ERA in 320 AD.
    • Matrimonal Alliances:
      • Kumaradevi - Gold Coins on his name.
      • Lichchhavi - Princess from Nepal.
    • Also, has the title of "Maharaja Dhiraj".
  • Samudra Gupta,(335 AD - 380 AD)
    • Prayag Prashasti (Poem of Praise), written by Harisena (Kaviraj).
    • Napolean of India by Historian V.A Smith.
    • Samudra Gupta also had a strong navy known as JAVA/SUMATRA.
    • There were coins with an image of Samudra Gupta playing Veena(LUTE).
    • He was also known as "Dharm Prachar Bandu".
    • The King of Srilanka, Meghavarman sent Missionaries to build Buddhish Temple in Gaya (Bihar).
    • Also, performed "Asvamedha Sacrifice".
    • Prashasti:-
      • Allahabad Pillar Inscription
      • Mehrauli Pillar Inscription
      • Bhitari Inscription
    • Kalidas was also known as the "Shakespeare of India".
    • Samudra Gupta had two sons:-
      • Ram Gupta - was very coward and gave his wife to Shakas instead of war.
      • Chandra gupta II - Married to Dhruva-devi & Kubernaga.
  • ChandraGupta II:-
    • Extended his empire by marriage Alliance & conquest.
    • He was the first ruler to issue Silver coins in the memory of victory over Sakas.
    • Also adopted the title of Sakari & Vikramditya(By Ujjain Rulers).
    • 1st Capital :- Patliputra
    • 2nd Capital :- Ujjain
    • Chinese Pilgrim Fa-hein visited India.
    • The Inscription ingraved on the Iron Pillar at Mehrauli give account of his conquest.
  • KumarGupta I:- (414 - 455 AD)
    • was the son of ChandraGupta-II.
    • Worshipper of "Kartika". (The Son of Shiv Ji).
    • Founded "Nalanda University".
    • Towards the end of Gupta Power was menanced by invaders called "The Hunas".
    • He was killed by "Hunas".
  • SkandaGupta (455 - 467 AD)
    • Son of KumarGupta.
    • Last Great ruler of Gupta Dynasty.
    • During his reign the gupta empire was invaded by Hunas.
    • Assumed the Title "Vikramaditya".
    • He repaired the Junagarh lake in Gujarat.
  • Note:- VishnuGupta was the Last Gupta Emperor.
  • The Nine Navaratan (9 Jewels):-
    • Amarsimha - Sanskrit/Exigographer
    • Dhanvantri - Great Physician
    • Harisena - Court Poet
    • Kalidasa - Poet
    • Kahapanaka - Astrologer
    • Sanku - Architech
    • Varahamihira - Poet
    • Vararuchi - Grammarian
    • Vetalbhatta - Magician


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