Pre-Maurayas:- Haryak Dynasty, Shishunag dynasty, Nanda Dynasty

Pre-Maurayas:- Haryak Dynasty, Shishunag dynasty,Nanda Dynasty

Haryak Dynasty:-(544 BC)

  • Rise of Madadh Empire.
  • The founder of Haryak Dynasty was Bimbisara.
  • Bimisara founded the city of "Rajgiri/Grivraja" and made it the Capital of Magadh.
  • Bimisara used marriage alliances to expand his kingdom.He had three wives:-
    • Kosala
    • Licchavi
    • Mudra clan
  • Ajatshatru was the son who Bimbisara, who killed his father for the throne.
  • Ajatshatru was also known as "Pitrahanta" and got the title Kunik.
  • He used to weapons Mahashilakantak & Rathamshala.
  • In the time of Ajatshatru, 1st Buddhist council was held.
  • He was succeeded by his son "Ujjain".
  • Ujjain was the founder of Patliputra and made it the capital of Magadha.
Note:- Last Ruler of Haryak Dynasty was NAGA-DASAK.

Shishunaga Dynasty:-(412-345 BC)

  • Shishunaga was the founder of "Shishunaga Dynasty".
  • He was the Minister of Naga-dasak and killed him.
  • Shishunaga shifted capital to Vaishali.
  • The son of Shishunaga was Kalashoka.
  • Kalashoka was also known as "Kakverna".
  • 2nd Buddhist council was held at Vaishali in the time of Kalashoka.
  • Shifted the Capital of Magadha back to Patliputra.
  • The Last king of Shishunaga Dynasty was Nandivardhan, who was killed by Mahapadmananda (Barber).
Nanda Dynasty:-(345-322 BC)
  • It was the first "Shudra Dynasty".(Low Caste)
  • Founded by Mahapadmananda.
  • And during the reign of Nanda Dynasty, Alexander(Greek) invaded India.
  • Maha-padmananda was the first shudra king and maintained a very large army & got titled of "Ugrasena".
  • The son of Maha-padmananda was Dhanananda also known as Xan-drammes,Aggrames.
  • The Battle of Hydaspes was fought between Alexander vs King Porus of Paurava Kingdom on the bank of river jhelem in 326 BC.
  • And Alexander won the battle and Porus surrendered.
  • Alexander's Governor was "Selucus Nikator".
  • Dhanananda insulted the Chanakya & threw him out of his court.
  • Dhanananda was killed by Chandra Gupta Mauraya.
  • The Last King of Nanda Dynasty was Dhanananda.
  • Persian Invaders:-
    • "King Darius"
    • First Foreign Invasion on Indian Soil.
    • He invaded India in 5th Century BC.


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