Buddhism: The Life of Gautama Buddha

Buddhism is one of the very important topic of the ancient history. And in this post we are going to study this in a very compact manner.


  • Founder of Buddhism was Gautama Buddh.
  • The "Buddh" means enlighted one.
  • The Gautama Buddh was born in "Kapilvastu" in Lumbani Village in Nepal in 563 BC.
  • The Father of Buddha was "Suddhodhan", who was the king of Kapilvastu.
  • The Mother of Buddha was "Mahamaya" and she died after 7 days of Gautama's Birth.
  • Mahamaya was from Kosala Dynasty.
  • Foster Mother of Buddha was "Prajapati Gautami".
  • The Clan of the Buddha was "Shakya Clan".
  • At the Age of 16 years, he got married to "Yashodhara".
  • The Son of Buddha & Yashodhara was Rahul.
  • At the age of 22, he lef this palace along with his horse whose name was "Kanthaka" and this event came to be known as "Mahabinishkarmana" which means "Great Reunciation".
  • The Gurus of Buddha was:
    • Alara Kalama
    • Udraka Ramputta
  • At the age of 35 years, on the bank of river Niranjna under the piple tree at gaya. He got Nirvana (Enlightenment).
  • He gave his first sermon at "Sarnath" and the event called as "Dharam Chakra Pravartan" also represented by "Wheel".
  • The first lady pupil was Prajapati Gautami.
  • He gave his maximum cermons at Sahravarti (Khousal).
  • At the age of 80 years(483 BC), he died at Kushinagar and the event called as "Mahaparinirvana".
  • The five major events of Buddha's Life with their Symbol:-
    • Birth represented by Lotus & Bull.
    • Mahabinishkramana (Great Renunciation) represented by Horse.
    • Nirvana represented by Bodhi Tree(Piple Tree).
    • Dhrama Chakra Pravartan represented by Wheel.
    • Mahaparinirvana (Death) represented by Footprints & Stupa.
  • Four Noble Truths are:-
    • Sorrows
    • Desires
    • End to Desires
    • Middle Path(Eight Folds)
  • Eight Folds are:(Desires can be removed by)
    • Right View
    • Right Intention
    • Right Speech
    • Right Action
    • Right Livilihood
    • Right Efforts
    • Right Mindfulness
    • Right Concentration
  • Five Diciples of Buddha(Sangha):-
    • Upali
    • Asvajit
    • Mogallana
    • Ananda
    • Sariputa
  • Three Jewels(Ratnas) are:-
    • Buddha:- Enlightenment
    • Sangha:- Monastric Order
    • Dhamma:- Teachings of Buddha
  • Buddha Literature(Written in Pali):-
    • Sutta Pitaka
    • Vinaya Pitaka
    • Abhidhamma Pitaka
  • The Four Buddhist Councils:-
    • 1st Buddhist Council:- 
      • Held in 483 BC
      • Held at Rajgriha
      • King was Ajatashatru(Haryak Dynasty)
      • President was Mahakasyapa.
      • Teachings divided into Two Pitakas i.e Vinaya & Sutta.
    • 2nd Buddhist Council:-
      • Held in 383 BC.
      • Held at Vaishali.
      • King was Kalashoka (Nag Dynasty)
      • President was Sabakami.
      • Subgroups were:-Sthavirvada, Mahasangikas & Sarvastivada.
    • 3rd Buddhist Council:-
      • Held in 250 BC.
      • Held at Patliputra.
      • King was Ashoka (Maurya Dynasty)
      • President was Mogaliputta Tissya.
      • Abhidhamma Pitaka was established.
    • 4th Buddhist Council:-
      • Held in 72 AD.
      • Held at Kasmir.
      • King was Kanishka (Kushan Dynasty).
      • President was Vasumitra.
      • Divided Buddhism into Mahayana & Hinayana.


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